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Dynamic Webflow Drawer with the best collection
1. Copy the drawer <script> and paste into the <before closing body> of your page
<script src=""></script>
1. Include a unique name as the value and assign the flowgiri-drawer attribute to the div block.
2. Take a button inside the flowgiri-drawer div block and add flowgiri-drawer-close attribute to the button.
" "
3. The drawer opens by default from the topright position. To modify the direction of the modal, simply add the attribute flowgiri-drawer-direction to the flowgiri-drawer div and assign one of the following values to it: topleft, topright, top, or bottom.
4. To open the drawer by clicked take a button and add flowgiri-drawer-open attribute to the element and give the drawer name as a value. When clicked on that element the drawer will open.
1. To include an overlay, create a div block outside of the drawer div and assign the flowgiri-drawer-overlay attribute to it.
2. To display a drawer automatically after the page loads, assign the flowgiri-drawer-type attribute to the flowgiri-drawer div block and set the value to auto.
3. When you set an auto drawer, it will appear after 5 seconds by default. To adjust the duration of time include the drawer-autoplay attribute within the flowgiri-drawer div block and set the value to the desired number of seconds.
<div flowgiri-drawer="left-sidebar" flowgiri-drawer-direction="top" flowgiri-drawer-type="auto" drawer-autoplay="3" > your content <button flowgiri-drawer-close=" " > close </button> </div> <div flowgiri-drawer-overlay=" " ></div> <button flowgiri-drawer-open="left-sidebar" > open drawer </button>